By Michael Powell
The IMVU Unity API makes heavy use of promises, to simplify asynchronous operations. Unfortunately, they’re different from the way things are normally done in Unity, and thus many people using our API have been understandably confused by them. The objective of this post is to alleviate that confusion. We first illustrate the problem we face without promises, then we explore a number of partial solutions, and finally we pull them all together to show just how powerful promises are.
Synchronous vs Asynchronous
The IMVU Unity API is focused almost entirely on loading things over the network, which really needs to be done asynchronously. To illustrate, consider this code snippet, which uses a hypothetical naive API:
class MyAvatar: LocalAssetLoader { void Start() { UserModel user = Imvu.Login(); Load(user); // ... Do stuff to the loaded avatar } }
That looks great! It’s super short, simple, and clean.
But there’s a problem. The call to Imvu.Login()
can’t return a UserModel
right away. This will, at the very least, require a few network roundtrips, which could easily take a second or two, and it may need to redirect the user to a website to go through the login flow, which could take minutes. The call to LocalAssetLoader.Load()
will likewise take some time. It will kick off dozens of network requests, which in the optimistic case will take a few seconds to complete, and 10-20 seconds is pretty common.
The reason this is a problem is because, if we wrote the API this way, the entire program would be frozen waiting for these calls to complete. No frames would render. No user input would be read. It would feel like the program had crashed, because it’s just sitting there waiting for these calls to return.
This is what it means to execute code synchronously. It allows you to specify things in a simple sequence with guaranteed order. This makes it easy to reason about, which is great, and is why we do things synchronously when we can. However, it falls apart with slow operations. If the program is to remain responsive, slow operations need to be executed asynchronously. Unfortunately, asynchronous code is much more difficult to reason about, and it requires a new set of abstractions.
There’s another problem with the above code: It doesn’t handle failure. Both of those calls make network requests, and network requests can fail. So we need to do something like this:
class MyAvatar: LocalAssetLoader { void Start() { UserModel user = Imvu.Login(); if (user == null) { Debug.LogError("Failed to log in for some unknown reason."); return; } bool loaded = Load(user); if (!loaded) { Debug.LogError("Failed to load avatar for some unknown reason."); return; } // ... Do stuff to the loaded avatar } }
Well, that just got a lot uglier. Every one of these steps needs an error check after it, and we have no mechanism for getting any information on what actual failure occurred, so they can’t output very useful error messages.
Callback Hell
The most obvious approach to deal with asynchronous programming is to use callbacks, also known as continuation passing style, or CPS. When you call one of these functions that will take a while to complete, you also pass it another function. That function will be called when it’s done, with the result as its argument. For instance:
class MyAvatar: LocalAssetLoader { void Start() { Imvu.Login(LoginCallback); } void LoginCallback(UserModel user) { Load(user, AvatarLoadedCallback); } void AvatarLoadedCallback() { // ... Do stuff with the loaded avatar } }
Well, that’s a lot more verbose, but it’s still pretty comprehensible, right? Unfortunately, we have the same problem as before: No error handling. Thankfully, CPS provides a fairly straight-forward mechanism for handling errors. Instead of passing in one callback, you pass in two: a success and a failure callback. This also allows us to pass back an error condition, for better error messages. For instance:
class MyAvatar: LocalAssetLoader { void Start() { Imvu.Login(LoginCallback, LoginErrorCallback); } void LoginCallback(UserModel user) { Load(user, AvatarLoadedCallback, AvatarLoadFailedCallback); } void LoginErrorCallback(Error error) { Debug.LogError("Failed to login: " + error); } void AvatarLoadedCallback() { // ... Do stuff with the loaded avatar } void AvatarLoadFailedCallback(Error error) { Debug.LogError("Failed to load avatar: " + error); } }
It’s starting to get a bit complicated there, and this is one of the simplest possible examples. Now you’re getting a glimpse of what many programmers have come to refer to as “callback hell”. All of your code gets broken into tons of little functions, defined not by what they do but by where they fall in the execution flow. This makes it hard to trace the flow of execution. As you solve complicated, real problems, this quickly gets completely unmanageable. So let’s explore some ways to make this better.
Achieving Closure
Closures are a feature of C# (and many other languages) which tends to be under-utilized in Unity code. They’re a special case of lambdas, which are functions that are declared as an expression.
In code, lambda values don’t intrinsically have a name — which is why they are sometimes called “anonymous functions” — though they can be given one by assigning them to a variable. They’re usually small, one line functions, though they can be just as elaborate as any other function. In C#, they look like this:
Func<int, int> myLambda = (int a) => { return a*2; }; Debug.Log(myLambda(5));
There are a lot of things to dissect here, so let’s start at the beginning. Func
is the type used for storing functions, which includes lambdas or normal methods. The last type parameter to Func
is the return type, and the others are the argument types. So Func<string, float, int>
can store a function with the signature int function(string, float)
. Note that if you want a function which returns nothing, you use Action
instead. For instance, Action<string, float>
can store a function with the signature void function(string, float)
The lambda syntax itself starts with the argument list, in parentheses, followed by =>
, followed by the body of the function. Note that I wrote this in the most verbose way, for clarity. When C# already knows the function signature, you can omit the types from the argument list, allowing you to write:
Func<int, int> myLambda = (a) => { return a*2; };
Also, when there is only one argument and its type can be inferred, you can leave off the parentheses:
Func<int, int> myLambda = a => { return a*2; };
And finally, when the body of the function is just a single return statement, you can omit the curly braces and the return
, and just provide the expression to be returned:
Func<int, int> myLambda = a => a*2;
Most of the places where lambdas are used meet all of these constraints: a single argument, of a known type, which just returns a single expression. So lambdas tend to be very compact.
Note that when you want to make a lambda which takes no arguments, you use ()
for the argument list, like this:
Func<int> myLambda = () => 5;
Now it just so happens that C#’s lambdas are actually closures. A closure is a lambda that allows you to access any variables that were in scope when the lambda was declared. For instance:
int num = 5; Func<int, int> myClosure = a => a*num; Debug.Log(myClosure(2)); // logs "10"
Notice that the closure uses the variable num
in its body. When you do this, it’s said that it “closes over” num
If you want to read more about C#’s support for lambdas, check out this MSDN article on the subject:
So, let’s try using closures to make the earlier example less verbose:
class MyAvatar: LocalAssetLoader { void Start() { Imvu.Login( user => Load( () => { /* ... Do stuff with the loaded avatar */ }, error => Debug.LogError("Failed to load avatar: " + error) ), error => Debug.LogError("Failed to login: " + error) ); } }
This is a lot less verbose than the earlier example, and the flow is more ordered, but the nested closures are a little hard to read. Again, this is the simplest possible example. If we need to do anything much more complicated, this will still get unmanageable quickly, possibly even worse than the callback hell above.
We can do better, though closures will be very important to our solution.
Error Results
Let’s go back to our earlier examples, where we needed to do an explicit error check after each call, and examine a different problem that crops up there. The solution will introduce another class that’s broadly useful to us.
UserModel user = Imvu.Login(); if (user == null) { Debug.LogError("Failed to login for ... some unknown reason?"); return; }
The trouble is, those error checks are easy to skip. You may not even realize that a given call could fail. And every time you skip a necessary error check, you introduce a potential crash into your program.
But what if we had a type that could be a useful value OR an error, which makes it impossible to access the data without doing a proper error check? Sounds like a pipe dream, I know, but using closures we can simulate what’s known in computer science as a sum type with pattern matching, which gives us exactly what we’re looking for.
The IMVU Unity API provides this type, which we call Result
. It’s generic over the type that it can store. So if you want to return a string
or an error, you use a Result<string>
. The key thing about Result
is that you can’t just directly access the value it stores. You need to do so through a function you pass in, which will only run if the value is actually there to be accessed. This makes it impossible to access the value if it’s not present, which is what we mean by making it impossible to access the data without doing a proper error check. The most common way to do this is with the Match()
function, which takes two functions as arguments. The first is given the value, if it exists. The second is given the error, if the value doesn’t exist. For example:
result.Match( value => Debug.Log("Success! We got: " + value), error => Debug.LogError("Error! " + error) )
If we rebuilt our initial error handling example to work with Result, we’d get something like this:
class MyAvatar: LocalAssetLoader { void Start() { Imvu.Login().Match( user => { Load(user).Match( _ => { /* ... Do stuff to the loaded avatar */ }, error => Debug.LogError("Failed to load avatar: " + error) ); }, error => Debug.LogError("Failed to login: " + error) ); } }
That looks a lot like our closure example in the previous section, and it’ll have the same problem. This is one of the simplest possible examples, and it’s already looking kind of complicated. But, there’s something more interesting we can do here to make this better.
Railway Oriented Programming
The functions passed in to Match()
can have a return type. Since only one of the two functions will actually be run, whatever that function returns can be returned by Match()
. Note that both of them must return the same type for this to work, because Match()
itself can only have one return type.
Now, imagine that our functions return another Result
. That means we could call Match()
on the return value of the previous call to Match()
, instead of having to nest them. Let’s see what that looks like:
class MyAvatar: LocalAssetLoader { void Start() { Imvu.Login().Match( user => Load(user), error => Result<Unit>.Err(error) ).Match( _ => { /* ... Do stuff to the loaded avatar */ }, error => Debug.LogError(error) ); } }
Note that Unit
is a placeholder type. It has no public constructor, and will always be null
. It’s used here because Load()
doesn’t have any useful data to return. The Result<Unit>
in this case is just to represent the fact that Load()
can fail, and capture the resulting error.
Anyway, that’s looking a bit cleaner. As we add complexity to this example, it will just add more calls to Match()
to the sequence. It won’t increase the indentation, and won’t further separate the error handlers from the code that’s generating the errors. Let’s try something a bit more complicated, like loading the user’s first saved outfit:
class MyAvatar: LocalAssetLoader { void Start() { Imvu.Login().Match( user => user.GetOutfits(), error => Result<OutfitCollection>.Err(error) ).Match( outfits =>[0], error => Result<OutfitModel>.Err(error) ).Match( outfit => Load(outfit), error => Result<Unit>.Err(error) ).Match( _ => { /* ... Do stuff to the loaded avatar */ }, error => Debug.LogError(error) ); } }
Note that the error function in the first three calls to Match()
just creates a new Result
with the same error. This causes Match()
to return the error, passing the buck to the next error function. Thus any error, regardless of which step generates it, will be handled by the Debug.LogError()
in the last step. Also note that the type of the Result
we create must match the type returned by the success lambda.
What you’re seeing here is the beginning of what’s known as Railway Oriented Programming (also referred to as chaining). Imagine you have two parallel railway tracks, which represent the flow of execution. One of them is the success rail, and the other is the failure rail. At each step of execution, we’re either on the success rail or the failure rail, and we can either stay on the same rail or switch rails.
In the example above, the call to Imvu.Login()
starts our railway. It can start us out on the success or failure rails. If it’s on the success rail, we call user.GetOutfits()
, and what it returns determines whether we stay on the success rail, or move over to the failure rail. If Imvu.Login()
put us on the failure rail, then we choose to stay on the failure rail by returning a new Result
with the same error. This is the first step along our railway. The next call to Match()
is the second step. The second and third steps are similarly structured. If we’re still on the success rail when we arrive at the fourth step, then we’ve succeeded, and it’s time to do whatever we want to do with the avatar. If we’re on the failure rail, then it’s time to log whatever error we hit along the way.
Staying on the success rail can be thought of as the normal flow of execution. Switching to the failure rail is like throwing an exception. Every error callback in the railway can be thought of as catching an exception. When it packs the error into a new Result
and returns that, we can think of that as re-throwing the exception.
This is a pretty typical example of a railway, where all steps but the last one do something interesting on the success rail that generates a new Result
, but on the failure rail they just pass along the error. So having to always manually pass through the error generates a lot of boilerplate. This is why Result
has another set of functions designed specifically for railways like this.
The first of these is Then()
, which has overloads that take one or two arguments. The single-argument version takes just a success callback, and passes through errors automatically. The two-argument version takes both success and failure callbacks. The second function is Catch()
, which takes a single failure callback. It passes through successes the same way the single-argument Then()
passes through errors. Both Then()
and Catch()
always return a Result
, and all of the callbacks passed into them must return a Result
, which determines which rail you end up on.
So you can clean up the above example a bit using these functions:
class MyAvatar: LocalAssetLoader { void Start() { Imvu.Login().Then( user => user.GetOutfits() ).Then( outfits =>[0] ).Then( outfit => Load(outfit) ).Match( _ => { /* ... Do stuff to the loaded avatar */ }, error => Debug.LogError(error) ); } }
Well that’s now looking pretty nice. It’s very easy to follow the sequence of actions we take, and we don’t even have to think about error handling beyond having the single log statement at the bottom.
Note that the last step in the chain uses Match()
instead of Then()
. This is because Then()
requires the lambdas to return a Result
, so that Then()
can itself return a Result
. However, our lambdas in that last step don’t return anything. So we need to use Match()
Going Asynchronous
The problem is, Result
is still synchronous. It’s given a value or an error in its constructor, and then when Match()
or Then()
are called, the appropriate callback is immediately called. There’s still no opportunity for slow network requests.
However, everything is being handled through callbacks, so it should be possible to build something similar to Result
, but which allows for asynchronous behavior, right? Well, yes, in fact. That’s exactly what Promise
A Promise
is like a Result
, except the value it represents may not exist yet. It’s a promise to deliver that value. When it’s given a value, the promise is said to be accepted. If it fails, it’s said to be rejected. Either accepting or rejecting the promise is considered to be resolving it, and when it’s resolved the appropriate callbacks will be called. If the Promise
is already resolved when the callbacks are registered, then they’re called immediately.
The API for using a Promise
is nearly identical to Result
. In fact, the actual API, which uses promises, looks like this:
class MyAvatar: LocalAssetLoader { void Start() { Imvu.Login().Then( user => user.GetOutfits() ).Then( outfits =>[0] ).Then( outfit => Load(outfit) ).Match( _ => { /* ... Do stuff to the loaded avatar */ }, error => Debug.LogError(error) ); } }
That is character-for-character identical to our last example.
There are some differences between Promise
and Result
, though. The callbacks passed to Then()
or Catch()
on a Promise
can return either another Promise
, or a Result
. If they return a Result
, it will be converted into an equivalent Promise
. Also, Match()
on Promise
can’t return anything, because the callbacks passed into it may not run immediately, so it doesn’t necessarily have a value to return. If you wish to return something from a Match()
on a Promise
, use Then()
instead, which will allow you to return it in another Promise
Also, and this is possibly the most important difference, you must account for the fact that the callbacks do not run synchronously. For instance, consider this broken code:
class MyAvatar: LocalAssetLoader { void Start() { UserModel userModel = null; Imvu.Login().MatchValue( user => userModel = user ); string name =; } }
If the user isn’t already logged in, this would generate a null reference exception. This is because the lambda passed in to Imvu.Login().Then()
doesn’t run right away. We’re setting it up to run later, when the login completes. So when we try to access a field on the userModel
immediately after we set that up, it’s still null
When designing this API, we considered many different options that we dismissed:
- Continuation Passing Style – We dismissed this because it turned into callback hell.
- Coroutines – We examined Unity’s coroutines, which are specifically designed to handle asynchronous cases cleanly. They’re quite nice. Unfortunately, they’re only usable within a MonoBehaviour, and we needed to be able to run asynchronous code from anywhere. We considered implementing our own version of coroutines using roughly the same syntax, but that was too large an undertaking.
- async/await – C#’s
keywords bake an even better version of coroutines into the language. They look great, but it turns out Unity’s version of C# doesn’t support them yet. - Threads – This would allow you to write something like the synchronous example at the top of this article. However, it has some major problems. First, threading doesn’t translate to WebGL at all, so if we relied on threading it would fall apart on one of the major platforms we’re targeting. Second, developers using the API would be forced to write code that goes into threads, and threading is infamously error prone and difficult to get right. We’d rather not put that burden on our developers. Third, it would be difficult to load an avatar on a thread, because only the main thread can interact with the GPU. There are ways of working around this, but combined with the other problems it wouldn’t be worth it.
So given all of this, promises are the best way we could come up with for handling the heavily asynchronous code our API demands. We understand that they’re confusing at first, particularly to programmers unaccustomed to working with lambdas and asynchronous code. However, hopefully you now have a stronger understanding of how they work, and why they’re necessary.
Further Reading
- Railway Oriented Programming – This is a slide deck that introduces the railway metaphor in a lot more detail, from the perspective of F#.
- How do Promises Work? – This is a deep dive into the underlying mechanics of promises, as they’re implemented in JavaScript. Our promises are very similar in principle, but have a slightly different API.
- You’re Missing the Point of Promises – A critique of some promise polyfills common in JavaScript, which goes into detail on some often-missed points about what makes promises really useful.
- Promises are the Monad of Asynchronous Programming – This is a more advanced article discussing the relationship between promises and monads. This provides an alternate viewpoint on promises for those familiar with monads.